
The developer documentation is for authors who want to enhance the functionality of Jupyter AI.

If you are interested in contributing to Jupyter AI, please see our contributor’s guide.

Pydantic compatibility#

  • jupyter-ai<2.29.0 requires Pydantic v1 or v2, but only supports LangChain v0.2, which is now outdated.

    • Internally, jupyter-ai<2.29.0 uses the Pydantic v1 API through a vendored module provided by LangChain. Therefore, if you are developing extensions for jupyter-ai<2.29.0, you should import Pydantic objects (e.g. BaseModel) from the langchain.pydantic_v1 module. In this context, you should not use the pydantic module (as it may be Pydantic v1 or v2).

  • jupyter-ai>=2.29.0 requires Pydantic v2 (not v1), but supports LangChain >=0.3.

    • Internally, jupyter-ai>=2.29.0 uses the Pydantic v2 API directly through the pydantic module. Therefore, if you are developing extensions for jupyter-ai>=2.29.0, you should import Pydantic objects (e.g. BaseModel) from the pydantic module.

    • For context, LangChain v0.3 requires Pydantic v2. This motivated the upgrade to the Pydantic v2 API.

For more details about Pydantic & LangChain version compatibility, see the LangChain documentation on Pydantic compatibility.

Jupyter AI module cookiecutter#

We offer a cookiecutter template that can be used to generate a pre-configured Jupyter AI module. This is a Python package that exposes a template model provider and slash command for integration with Jupyter AI. Developers can then extend the generated AI module however they wish.

To generate a new AI module using the cookiecutter, run these commands from the repository root:

pip install cookiecutter
cd packages/
cookiecutter jupyter-ai-module-cookiecutter

The last command will open a wizard that allows you to set the package name and a few other metadata fields. By default, the package will have the name jupyter-ai-test.

To install your new AI module locally and use the generated template provider and slash command:

cd jupyter-ai-test/
pip install -e .

You will then be able to use the test provider and slash command after restarting JupyterLab.

The remainder of this documentation page elaborates on how to define a custom model provider and slash command.

Custom model providers#

You can define new providers using the LangChain framework API. Custom providers inherit from both jupyter-ai’s BaseProvider and langchain’s LLM. You can either import a pre-defined model from LangChain LLM list, or define a custom LLM. In the example below, we define a provider with two models using a dummy FakeListLLM model, which returns responses from the responses keyword argument.

# my_package/
from jupyter_ai_magics import BaseProvider
from langchain_community.llms import FakeListLLM

class MyProvider(BaseProvider, FakeListLLM):
    id = "my_provider"
    name = "My Provider"
    model_id_key = "model"
    models = [
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        model = kwargs.get("model_id")
        kwargs["responses"] = (
            ["This is a response from model 'a'"]
            if model == "model_a" else
            ["This is a response from model 'b'"]

If the new provider inherits from BaseChatModel, it will be available both in the chat UI and with magic commands. Otherwise, users can only use the new provider with magic commands.

To make the new provider available, you need to declare it as an entry point:

# my_package/pyproject.toml
name = "my_package"
version = "0.0.1"

my-provider = "my_provider:MyProvider"

To test that the above minimal provider package works, install it with:

# from `my_package` directory
pip install -e .

Then, restart JupyterLab. You should now see an info message in the log that mentions your new provider’s id:

[I 2023-10-29 13:56:16.915 AiExtension] Registered model provider `my_provider`.

API keys and fields for custom providers#

You can add handle authentication via API keys, and configuration with custom parameters using an auth strategy and fields as shown in the example below.

from typing import ClassVar, List
from jupyter_ai_magics import BaseProvider
from jupyter_ai_magics.providers import EnvAuthStrategy, Field, TextField, MultilineTextField
from langchain_community.llms import FakeListLLM

class MyProvider(BaseProvider, FakeListLLM):
    id = "my_provider"
    name = "My Provider"
    model_id_key = "model"
    models = [

    auth_strategy = EnvAuthStrategy(
        name="MY_API_KEY", keyword_param="my_api_key_param"

    fields: ClassVar[List[Field]] = [
        TextField(key="my_llm_parameter", label="The name for my_llm_parameter to show in the UI"),
        MultilineTextField(key="custom_config", label="Custom Json Config", format="json"),

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        model = kwargs.get("model_id")
        kwargs["responses"] = (
            ["This is a response from model 'a'"]
            if model == "model_a" else
            ["This is a response from model 'b'"]

The auth_strategy handles specifying API keys for providers and models. The example shows the EnvAuthStrategy which takes the API key from the environment variable with the name specified in name and be provided to the model’s __init__ as a kwarg with the name specified in keyword_param. This will also cause a field to be present in the configuration UI with the name of the environment variable as the label.

Further configuration can be handled adding fields into the settings dialogue for your custom model by specifying a list of fields as shown in the example. These will be passed into the __init__ as kwargs, with the key specified by the key in the field object. The label specified in the field object determines the text shown in the configuration section of the user interface.

Custom embeddings providers#

To provide a custom embeddings model an embeddings providers should be defined implementing the API of jupyter-ai’s BaseEmbeddingsProvider and of langchain’s Embeddings abstract class.

from jupyter_ai_magics import BaseEmbeddingsProvider
from langchain.embeddings import FakeEmbeddings

class MyEmbeddingsProvider(BaseEmbeddingsProvider, FakeEmbeddings):
    id = "my_embeddings_provider"
    name = "My Embeddings Provider"
    model_id_key = "model"
    models = ["my_model"]

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(size=300, **kwargs)

Jupyter AI uses entry points to discover embedding providers. In the pyproject.toml file, add your custom embedding provider to the [project.entry-points."jupyter_ai.embeddings_model_providers"] section:

my-provider = "my_provider:MyEmbeddingsProvider"

Custom completion providers#

Any model provider derived from BaseProvider can be used as a completion provider. However, some providers may benefit from customizing handling of completion requests.

There are two asynchronous methods which can be overridden in subclasses of BaseProvider:

  • generate_inline_completions: takes a request (InlineCompletionRequest) and returns InlineCompletionReply

  • stream_inline_completions: takes a request and yields an initiating reply (InlineCompletionReply) with isIncomplete set to True followed by subsequent chunks (InlineCompletionStreamChunk)

When streaming all replies and chunks for given invocation of the stream_inline_completions() method should include a constant and unique string token identifying the stream. All chunks except for the last chunk for a given item should have the done value set to False.

The following example demonstrates a custom implementation of the completion provider with both a method for sending multiple completions in one go, and streaming multiple completions concurrently. The implementation and explanation for the merge_iterators function used in this example can be found here.

class MyCompletionProvider(BaseProvider, FakeListLLM):
    id = "my_provider"
    name = "My Provider"
    model_id_key = "model"
    models = ["model_a"]

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs["responses"] = ["This fake response will not be used for completion"]

    async def generate_inline_completions(self, request: InlineCompletionRequest):
        return InlineCompletionReply(
                {"insertText": "An ant minding its own business"},
                {"insertText": "A bug searching for a snack"}

    async def stream_inline_completions(self, request: InlineCompletionRequest):
        token_1 = f"t{request.number}s0"
        token_2 = f"t{request.number}s1"

        yield InlineCompletionReply(
                    {"insertText": "An ", "isIncomplete": True, "token": token_1},
                    {"insertText": "", "isIncomplete": True, "token": token_2}

        # where merge_iterators
        async for reply in merge_iterators([
            self._stream("elephant dancing in the rain", request.number, token_1, start_with="An"),
            self._stream("A flock of birds flying around a mountain", request.number, token_2)
            yield reply

    async def _stream(self, sentence, request_number, token, start_with = ""):
        suggestion = start_with

        for fragment in sentence.split():
            await asyncio.sleep(0.75)
            suggestion += " " + fragment
            yield InlineCompletionStreamChunk(
                response={"insertText": suggestion, "token": token},

        # finally, send a message confirming that we are done
        yield InlineCompletionStreamChunk(
            response={"insertText": suggestion, "token": token},

Using the full notebook content for completions#

The InlineCompletionRequest contains the path of the current document (file or notebook). Inline completion providers can use this path to extract the content of the notebook from the disk, however such content may be outdated if the user has not saved the notebook recently.

The accuracy of the suggestions can be slightly improved by combining the potentially outdated content of previous/following cells with the prefix and suffix which describe the up-to-date state of the current cell (identified by cell_id).

Still, reading the full notebook from the disk may be slow for larger notebooks, which conflicts with the low latency requirement of inline completion.

A better approach is to use the live copy of the notebook document that is persisted on the jupyter-server when collaborative document models are enabled. Two packages need to be installed to access the collaborative models:

  • jupyter-server-ydoc (>= 1.0) stores the collaborative models in the jupyter-server on runtime

  • jupyter-docprovider (>= 1.0) reconfigures JupyterLab/Notebook to use the collaborative models

Both packages are automatically installed with jupyter-collaboration (in v3.0 or newer), however installing jupyter-collaboration is not required to take advantage of collaborative models.

The snippet below demonstrates how to retrieve the content of all cells of a given type from the in-memory copy of the collaborative model (without additional disk reads).

from jupyter_ydoc import YNotebook

class MyCompletionProvider(BaseProvider, FakeListLLM):
    id = "my_provider"
    name = "My Provider"
    model_id_key = "model"
    models = ["model_a"]

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs["responses"] = ["This fake response will not be used for completion"]

    async def _get_prefix_and_suffix(self, request: InlineCompletionRequest):
        prefix = request.prefix
        suffix = request.suffix.strip()

        server_ydoc = self.server_settings.get("jupyter_server_ydoc", None)
        if not server_ydoc:
            # fallback to prefix/suffix from single cell
            return prefix, suffix

        is_notebook = request.path.endswith("ipynb")
        document = await server_ydoc.get_document(
            content_type="notebook" if is_notebook else "file",
            file_format="json" if is_notebook else "text"
        if not document or not isinstance(document, YNotebook):
            return prefix, suffix

        cell_type = "markdown" if request.language == "markdown" else "code"

        is_before_request_cell = True
        before = []
        after = [suffix]

        for cell in document.ycells:
            if is_before_request_cell and cell["id"] == request.cell_id:
                is_before_request_cell = False
            if cell["cell_type"] != cell_type:
            source = cell["source"].to_py()
            if is_before_request_cell:

        prefix = "\n\n".join(before)
        suffix = "\n\n".join(after)
        return prefix, suffix

    async def generate_inline_completions(self, request: InlineCompletionRequest):
        prefix, suffix = await self._get_prefix_and_suffix(request)

        return InlineCompletionReply(
                {"insertText": your_llm_function(prefix, suffix)}

Prompt templates#

Each provider can define prompt templates for each supported format. A prompt template guides the language model to produce output in a particular format. The default prompt templates are a Python dictionary mapping formats to templates. Developers who write subclasses of BaseProvider can override templates per output format, per model, and based on the prompt being submitted, by implementing their own get_prompt_template function. Each prompt template includes the string {prompt}, which is replaced with the user-provided prompt when the user runs a magic command.

Customizing prompt templates#

To modify the prompt template for a given format, override the get_prompt_template method:

from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate

class MyProvider(BaseProvider, FakeListLLM):
    # (... properties as above ...)
    def get_prompt_template(self, format) -> PromptTemplate:
        if format === "code":
            return PromptTemplate.from_template(
                "{prompt}\n\nProduce output as source code only, "
                "with no text or explanation before or after it."
        return super().get_prompt_template(format)

Please note that this will only work with Jupyter AI magics (the %ai and %%ai magic commands). Custom prompt templates are not used in the chat interface yet.

Custom slash commands in the chat UI#

You can add a custom slash command to the chat interface by creating a new class that inherits from BaseChatHandler. Set its id, name, help message for display in the user interface, and routing_type. Each custom slash command must have a unique slash command. Slash commands can only contain ASCII letters, numerals, and underscores. Each slash command must be unique; custom slash commands cannot replace built-in slash commands.

Add your custom handler in Python code:

from jupyter_ai.chat_handlers.base import BaseChatHandler, SlashCommandRoutingType
from jupyter_ai.models import HumanChatMessage

class CustomChatHandler(BaseChatHandler):
    id = "custom"
    name = "Custom"
    help = "A chat handler that does something custom"
    routing_type = SlashCommandRoutingType(slash_id="custom")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    async def process_message(self, message: HumanChatMessage):
        # Put your custom logic here
        self.reply("<your-response>", message)

Jupyter AI uses entry points to support custom slash commands. In the pyproject.toml file, add your custom handler to the [project.entry-points."jupyter_ai.chat_handlers"] section:

custom = "custom_package:CustomChatHandler"

Then, install your package so that Jupyter AI adds custom chat handlers to the existing chat handlers.

Streaming output from custom slash commands#

Jupyter AI supports streaming output in the chat session. When a response is streamed to the user, the user can watch the response being constructed in real-time, which offers a visually pleasing user experience. Custom slash commands can stream responses in chat by invoking the stream_reply() method, provided by the BaseChatHandler class that custom slash commands inherit from. Custom slash commands should always use self.stream_reply() to stream responses, as it provides support for stopping the response stream from the UI.

To use stream_reply(), your slash command must bind a LangChain Runnable to self.llm_chain in the create_llm_chain() method. Runnables can be created by using LangChain Expression Language (LCEL). See below for an example definition of create_llm_chain(), sourced from our implementation of /fix in

def create_llm_chain(
        self, provider: Type[BaseProvider], provider_params: Dict[str, str]
        unified_parameters = {
            "verbose": True,
            **(self.get_model_parameters(provider, provider_params)),
        llm = provider(**unified_parameters)
        self.llm = llm
        prompt_template = FIX_PROMPT_TEMPLATE
        self.prompt_template = prompt_template

        runnable = prompt_template | llm | StrOutputParser()  # type:ignore
        self.llm_chain = runnable

Once your chat handler binds a Runnable to self.llm_chain in self.create_llm_chain(), you can define process_message() to invoke self.stream_reply(), which streams a reply back to the user using self.llm_chain.astream(). self.stream_reply() has two required arguments:

  • input: An input to your LangChain Runnable. This is usually a dictionary whose keys are input variables specified in your prompt template, but may be just a string if your Runnable does not use a prompt template.

  • message: The HumanChatMessage being replied to.

An example of process_message() can also be sourced from our implementation of /fix:

async def process_message(self, message: HumanChatMessage):
        if not (message.selection and message.selection.type == "cell-with-error"):
                "`/fix` requires an active code cell with error output. Please click on a cell with error output and retry.",

        # hint type of selection
        selection: CellWithErrorSelection = message.selection

        # parse additional instructions specified after `/fix`
        extra_instructions = message.prompt[4:].strip() or "None."

        assert self.llm_chain

        inputs = {
            "extra_instructions": extra_instructions,
            "cell_content": selection.source,
            "traceback": selection.error.traceback,
            "error_value": selection.error.value,
        await self.stream_reply(inputs, message, pending_msg="Analyzing error")

The last line of process_message above calls stream_reply in Note that a custom pending message may also be passed. The stream_reply function leverages the LCEL Runnable. The function takes in the input, human message, and optional pending message strings and configuration, as shown below:

async def stream_reply(
        input: Input,
        human_msg: HumanChatMessage,
        pending_msg="Generating response",
        config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None,
        Streams a reply to a human message by invoking
        `self.llm_chain.astream()`. A LangChain `Runnable` instance must be
        bound to `self.llm_chain` before invoking this method.

        - `input`: The input to your runnable. The type of `input` depends on
        the runnable in `self.llm_chain`, but is usually a dictionary whose keys
        refer to input variables in your prompt template.

        - `human_msg`: The `HumanChatMessage` being replied to.

        - `config` (optional): A `RunnableConfig` object that specifies
        additional configuration when streaming from the runnable.

        - `pending_msg` (optional): Changes the default pending message from
        "Generating response".
        assert self.llm_chain
        assert isinstance(self.llm_chain, Runnable)